The 25 Greatest Sci-Fi Films of All Time

If you look up a single best of list, that list could be heavily influenced by the author's bias. We don't think that's entirely fair, so what we like to do for our "Best of" lists is to scour the internet for multiple other rankings and then combine them all into one mega list. This way, not only do we get highly ranked lists, but it can also show the consistency of the rankings. If something ranked highly #1 on only 1 list, and doesn't appear in any others,  how great could it be? So what we did was find the "Best of" lists from publications, websites, fan polls and more, and then combine them all into one cumulative ranking. And here they are, the the 25 greatest Sci-Fi films of all time:

1. 2001: A Space Odyssy
2. Blade Runner
3. Metropolis
4. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5. Alien
6. ET: Extra-Terrestial
7. Aliens
8. Star Wars
9. Brazil
10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
11. WALL-E
12. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan
13. The Matrix
14. The Planet of the Apes
15. Children of Men
16. The Terminator
17. Gravity
18. Jurassic Park
19. The Thing
20. Solaris
21. The Fly
22. Back to the Future
23. The Day the Earth Stood Still
24. Mad Max: Fury Road
25. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
